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Get Out the Vote 

Other GOTV Activities

We have a lot of other roles how you can help to get out the vote!

Use our "Friends and Family" Reach App by Blue Action Texas

Blue Action Texas has this awesome relational organizing app called "Reach" where you can add your friends, co-workers, family to your circle and remind them to vote. What you will be able to do is add them into the app and send messages to them and during early voting, if they have not gone to the polls, Reach will send you a message that they have note voted yet.  


Fill out our volunteer form and check "Remind my Friends and Family to vote" and we'll send your contact info to their local organizer. 

Help us with our Voter Protection Committee

There is a lot at stake in this election and protecting the vote is one of them.  Though our Voter Protection committee, you can do one of the following: 

  • Assist with our voter protection hotline by answering the line when a voter calls about a question or a concern. ​

  • Become one of our election judges and clerks during Election Day. ​

  • Sign to be a poll watcher in case we need to send an observer during Election Day at a polling site. 


Visit our Voter Protection page to sign up for one of these options. 

Volunteer at the office to answer calls and other office duties

Our office is ran by volunteers and we need help every day answering phones, creating our walk packets, or running errands for the party.  


Contact us to sign up for a date and time you can join us at the office. 


We cannot get out the vote without resources to print materials, send mail, and our textbank and phonebank programs all have a cost. 


Consider making a donation to the El Paso Democratic Party to help us reach out to more voters.  

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